
Have ArgoUML downloaded and installed on your computer. See

Please be aware the ArgoUML supports version 1.4 of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) specification. Some of the diagram elements may differ from those presented in class.




  1. Know HP’s Design Quality Attributes
  2. Know some common symbology used for object-oriented design classes
  3. Know the design class quality characteristics of complete and sufficient, primitiveness, high cohesion, and low coupling
  4. Apply the five common design activities to a specific development.
  5. Make use of ArgoUML to create UML diagrams and generate corresponding Java code.


  1. HP’s Design Quality Attributes (circa 1987)

    Feature set and capabilities, includes Security
    Ease-of-use, aesthetics, consistency, and documentation
    Low frequency and severity of faults, accuracy of output, long MTTF, fast recovery
    Processing speed, response time, resource consumption, throughput, efficiency
    Easy to extensibility, adaptability, serviceability
  2. Know common symbology used for Object-Oriented Design Classes

    1. User Interface (boundary) classes
    2. Business Domain (entity) classes
    3. Process (controller) classes
    4. Persistent (data store) classes
    5. System classes
  3. Know the design class quality characteristics

    Complete and Sufficient
    All necessary attributes and methods
    Each method focused on accomplishing one service
    High Cohesion
    Single-minded focus
    Low Coupling
    Collaboration with other classes kept to a minimum
  4. Recall the five common design activities:

    1. Define the context and modes of use of the system
    2. Design the system architecture
    3. Identify the principal system objects
    4. Develop design models
    5. Specify object interfaces