I’ve received several questions about how to test console output, such as verifying that the Quoridor board is printed correctly. Here’s some rough (pseudo)code to facilitate testing:

public class Quoridor {
  // ...

  public void printBoard() {

  void printBoard(PrintStream printStream) {
    // replace "System.out" with "printStream"

  // ...

The corresponding unit test is as follows:

public class QuoridorTest {
  // ...

  public void printBoardTest() {
    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    quoridor.printBoard(new PrintStream(stream));
    actual = stream.toString();
    expected = /* String representation of board */;
    Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual);

  // ...

In the Quoridor class, the overloaded printBoard method that accepts a PrintStream as a parameter has package visibility to facilitate testing; it isn’t expected that this method will be used in practice (though other classes in the same package certainly could use it if desired). In the unit test, the ByteArrayOutputStream effectively captures the output, allowing its comparison with the expected output.

One potential issue that isn’t highlighted in the code is line endings, which are system dependent. That is, System.out.println(...) uses \r\n to end lines on Windows, but \n on Linux, which means that the unit tests may pass on your own machine but not when executed by the CI jobs on GitHub. You can avoid this problem by using System.lineSeparator() or %n to end lines printed by System.out.printf(...) instead of hard-coded new line characters.