As I will be attending the 15th IEEE / ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC ‘22) at the end of next week, I am tweaking the schedule for the remaining lessons:

  • M38 (today) will be Project Planning
  • T38 and M39 will be Review – I’ll provide an overview of the final exam format and answer any questions that you have regarding any of the material that we’ve covered this semester. Please come prepared with a list of topics that you’d like me to review or, better yet, email them to me in advance!
  • T39 will be Project Planning
  • M40 and T40 will be Testing III – a “lab day” related to testing and static analysis

The course website will be updated soon, but note that the “Review” is shown as Lesson 39 on the website (there’s no easy way to separate the M- and T-day sections on the schedule).