Let’s face it. Learning the names of everyone in a class can be quite a challenge for instructors. One of the things that helps most (apart from the obvious of having previously taught someone in another class) is knowing a little bit about each individual and having a picture to associate a name with a face. This assignment asks you to write a brief biographical sketch about yourself to accomplish the aforementioned goal and provides experience using GitHub Classroom for assignments.

Expected duration
1 hour
2359 on Lesson 3
10 points

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate working knowledge of Git, including cloning a repository, committing changes, and sharing those changes
  • Experiment with GitHub Classroom, which may be used for future programming exercises

Help Policy

Authorized Resources
Any, including classmates
Never copy another person’s work and submit it as your own.

You must document all help received from all sources, including the instructor and instructor-provided course materials (such as the textbook).


This assignment provides an initial experience using GitHub Classroom. Use the following steps to access GitHub Classroom and write a short biographical sketch about yourself:

  1. Create a GitHub account if you don’t have one already: https://github.com/join. (Note: As a student, you can also apply for a Student Developer Pack that offers free access to software development tools.)
  2. Use the provided link (distributed separately) to access the assignment. You will be prompted to join the classroom roster. Click on your name to associate it with your GitHub account. Contact the instructor if you do not see your name in the class roster.
  3. Accept the assignment and wait for your copy of the repository to be created.
  4. Click on the link for your repository. The name of the repository will include your GitHub username.
  5. Clone the repository using the “Clone or download” button that appears toward the top right of the screen. When you clone a repository, you create a local copy of it on your computer so you can make changes to it.
  6. Update biography.rst with your personal information. You should remove the “placeholder” text so that all the content in the file focuses specifically on you.
  7. Commit your changes and push them back to GitHub.

The files in this repository are formatted using reStructured Text (RST), a lightweight markup language that is easily readable. Various software development tools, including GitHub, render this file as an HTML document when it appears in a repository. Check out the reStructuredText Primer for more information about RST markup.

Because this assignment uses Git, good practice dictates including a documentation statement with each commit message. When you’re ready to submit the assignment, the project history will have the complete record of any sources that you consulted.


Create an archive of your Git repository (you can use GitHub’s “Clone or download” button when viewing your repository for this purpose) and submit that archive to Canvas. Be sure to include your documentation statement as part of the submission.

GitHub Classroom also tags the latest commit at the due date for the assignment.


The following grading rubric will be used for this assignment:

Description Points
Biographical sketch 2
Personal information 3
Picture 3
Automated tests 2

The automated tests will be executed automatically when you push to your GitHub repository (i.e., continuous integration). The remainder of the points will be assigned by the instructor. You are strongly encouraged to complete this assignment several days prior to the due date so that you have time to resolve any failures for the automated tests. If you have questions regarding how to interpret their output, do not hesitate to ask the instructor.

Each test case is worth the same amount. No partial credit will be awarded for content and functionality covered by the automated tests (unless you can prove that a test case rejected valid input)!