Use the following to guide your reading from Chapter 22: Project management in Software Engineering:

  1. What is the job of a software project manager?

    to ensure that the software project satisfies budgetary and scheduling constraints and delivers high-quality software

  2. What are the four success criteria for project management?

    • delivering software to the customer on time
    • keeping costs within budget
    • delivering software that meets the customer’s expectations
    • maintaining a well-functioning development team
  3. What are the five fundamental project management activities?

    project planning
    estimate the cost and schedule, and assign people to tasks
    risk management
    identify, assess, monitor, and mitigate risks
    people management
    choose the team and establish work practices for effective performance
    communicate with customers and higher management
    proposal writing
    identify project objectives and plans
  4. What are the four stages of the risk management process?

    identify possible project, product, and business risks
    assess the likelihood and consequences of each risk
    make plans to address each risk, either by avoiding it or minimizing its impact
    regularly (re)assess risks and risk mitigation plans, revising them throughout the project
  5. What are three strategies for managing risks?

    reduce the likelihood of occurrence
    reduce the consequence when the event occurs
    contingency plans
    prepare for the worst
  6. What are the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

    • psychological
    • safety
    • social
    • esteem
    • self-realization
  7. What are five factors that influence the effectiveness and efficiency of communication within a team?

    • size
    • structure
    • composition
    • physical work environment
    • communication channels